Appointments, Opening Hours, Contact
We offer consular services at 5 locations in South Africa and Mauritius. Please contact the German Mission nearest to your holiday destination or nearest to your place of residence.

Embassy in Pretoria
Consular district: Provinces Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu/Natal, Northern Province, North West and Mpumalanga as well as Lesotho, Mauritius and Eswatini.
Before visiting us, please read the information available on our website. Services A-Z
Contact us: Did you read the information provided on our website and have further questions? Or do you want to make an appointment for a notarisation? Contact us
Attention: We reserve the right not to reply to questions if the answer can be found on our website Services A-Z or in the FAQs.
Please understand that questions asked via telephone in legal and consular matters (visa, passort etc.) cannot be answered.
It is imperative to schedule an appointment for each service. Further information can be found here:
For each service it is imperative to schedule an appointment.
In order to ensure a smooth process for all customers, please be punctual for your appointment, otherwise your appointment will be forfeited. Kindly also cancel any appointment early which you cannot keep.
For the following matters it is possile to schedule an appointment online.
Appointments can only be scheduled for up to 4 weeks in advance. Should you not be able to schedule an appointment due to no slot being available, please continue trying on a daily basis.
- Passport
- Signature authentication
- Certification of copies
- Name declaration
- Birth registration
- Marriage registration
- Urgent consular certification
(e.g. certificate required for relocation to Germany) - Collection of passport
- Collection of police clearance certificates
- Collection of name certificates, birth certificates, marriage certificates
- Collection of citizenship certificates/naturalization certificates/certificates for the retention of German Citizenship
- Application for national visa for the purpose of family reunification, work**, study (exclusively for these purposes)
- **Applicants for visas as skilled workers with a pre-approval from the competent German foreigners authority in accordance with Sect. 81a Aliens Act (fast-track procedure), who cannot book an appointment within the next 2 weeks through the online booking system, may contact the Embassy to request a special appointment. Submission of the pre-approval will then be requested.
For the following matters appointments have to be scheduled individually (please explain the type of service and its urgency in detail)
Citizenship matter (application)
- Notarisation
Online booking of an appointment at the Embassy in Pretoria
Please pay attention to our list of public Holidays.
Address: 201 Florence Ribeiro Avenue, Groenkloof, Pretoria 0181

Consulate General in Cape Town
Consular district: Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Western Cape as well as St Helena.
It is imperative to schedule an appointment for almost each service. Exception: You can pickup your passport Tuedsday and Wednesday between 13h30 and 14h30 without appointment.
Further information can be found here:
For each service it is imperative to schedule an appointment.
In order to ensure a smooth process for all customers, please be punctual for your appointment, otherwise your appointment will be forfeited. Kindly also cancel any appointment early which you cannot keep.
For the following matters you can schedule an appointment online at the Consulate General in Cape Town:
- Passport applications
- Name declarations
- Registration of births
- Registration of marriages
- Application for a national visa
(visas can only be issued in accordance with the Coronavirus-Schutzverordnung)
For the following matters appointments have to be scheduled individually:
- notarisations (e.g. acknowledgement of paternity, certificate of inheritance)
- signature authentications
- consular certifications
- applications for citizenship matters
Before visiting us, read the information available on your request on our website
Please pay attention to our list of public Holidays
Address: 4 Stirling Street, Zonnebloem, Cape Town 7925
Online booking of an appointment at the Consulate General in Cape Town
Contact us: Did you read the information provided on our website and have further questions? Or do you want to make an appointment for signature authentication, consular certification, citizenship matters or or notarisations? Contact us
Attention: We reserve the right not to reply to questions if the answer can be found on our website Services A-Z or in the FAQs.
Telephone (no passport and visa matters): Monday to Thursday 8:00 -16:00 and Friday 8:00 - 13:00
+27 (0)21 405 3000
Honorary Consul in Durban
Honorary Consuls can offer many but not all services. There are some special provisions when consulting us. Applications launched with us in Durban will be forwarded to the Embassy in Pretoria for processing.
Honorary Consul in Port Elizabeth
Honorary Consuls can offer many but not all services. There are some special provisions when consulting us. Applications launched with us in Port Elizabeth will be forwarded to the Consulate General in Cape Town for processing.
Honorary Consul in Ebène, Mauritius
Honorary Consuls can offer many but not all services. There are some special provisions when consulting us. Applications launched with us in Mauritius will be forwarded to the Embassy in Pretoria for processing.