A-Z Services
Find comprehensive information on all services provided by us.

A - B - C
Acknowledgement of paternity
Banking matters (see: opening a bank account)
Certificate of inheritance (see “Erbschein”)
Certificate of non-impediment (see Marriage)
Certificates (see Documents)
Certified copies (see certifications)
Compensation (Federal Compensation Act)
D - E - F
Emergency assistance for Germans
G - H - I - J
Getting married (see marriage)
Certificate of good conduct
Shipping human remains
K - L - M
Letter of non-impediment (“Ehefähigkeitszeugnis”)
Lost passport
Travelling with minors
N - O - P
Q - R - S
Recognition of foreign divorce orders
Registering a birth
Registering a marriage
Residential registration matters
Letter of retention
Signature verification (see certifications)
T - U - V
Travelling with minors
Verification of signature (see certifications)