Ambassador Martin Schäfer on the passing of struggle veteran Denis Goldberg

“A grand and fulfilled life has come to an end. Denis' work and his personality have been an inspiration to so many people, far beyond the borders of South Africa. Alongside Nelson Mandela and his fellow comrades in the fight for freedom and democracy, the legacy of Denis will last forever.
It was these men’s lion-hearted courage, their commitment and their insatiable desire for freedom that brought about democracy and change in South Africa, Denis' homeland, which he loved so much.
Denis' values, his humanity, his unfaltering stand against an inhumane regime - literally in the face of death -, his commitment to children and to the weakest in our society are shining examples of a selfless life for the benefit of the community.
Denis Goldberg has been a trusted partner of Europe and Germany. We are grateful for the many encounters and the friendship that Germany has had with him.
Every conversation, every meeting with Denis was an experience. His sharp wit, his thoughtfulness and observational skill made every encounter with him unique.
Today, the world has lost a hero. I have lost a true friend.”