Commitment to Africa

German Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner has recently presented a publication on the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture's (BMEL) commitment in Africa. Its title is “Assuring Food Security – Promoting Growth. The BMEL’s commitment to a modern, sustainable agri-food and forestry sector in Africa”.
The concept paper concept is based on the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 2063 Agenda adopted by the member states of the African Union.
Africa is a continent with great potential, which is still untapped. The BMEL has made cooperation with Africa a focus area of its international engagement and has a particular interest to contribute to economic development on the African continent and to shape our common future through an enhanced partnership. BMEL intends to contribute to securing food for the rapidly growing African population and to making the African agri-food and forestry sector sustainable and fit for the future.
You will find a detailed brochure with background information and examples of the projects for download free of charge here: