Climate Fund: Call for Project Proposals 2025
The German Foreign Office’s Climate Fund supports projects in the areas of climate change mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity.
Who can apply?
- The Call invites submissions from both, private and public sector
- Non-governmental multipliers (economy, science, civil society)
- Applicants and implementing organisations must have a South African base and need to contribute financially or by in kind contribution/staff
General remarks:

Projects may be supported with a budget between 10,000 € and 30,000 €.
Activities may include conferences, workshops, panel discussions, webinars, side-events, risk analysis, training courses, networking of think tanks.
The project focus lies on economic opportunities of an ecological transformation as well as the climate – peace – security nexus:
In response to climate change, societies need to transform their whole economies towards climate neutrality overcoming the strong dependence on fossil fuels. This transformation creates significant opportunities and potential for innovation and business development in various sectors, for example in decarbonizing industry, green hydrogen, electromobility, critical raw materials for the transformation, agriculture, adaptation, biodiversity and others.
It is thereby crucial to recognise and invest in opportunities that catalyse investments in the green economy. At the same time, fighting as well as adapting to irreversible effects of climate change are closely interrelated with (food) security and peace, looking for example at climate related migration, energy security or water supply.
The German Foreign Office’s Climate Fund hence aims at supporting projects supporting either or both of the areas (economic opportunities of an ecological transition and/or the climate change, (food) security and peace nexus), specifically which will:
The German Foreign Office’s Climate Fund aims at supporting projects which will:
- Present innovative ideas and proposals in the context of economic opportunities of an ecological transformation, including for example in decarbonizing industry, green hydrogen, electromobility, critical raw materials for the transformation, agriculture, adaptation, biodiversity and others; AND/OR
Contribute to awareness raising, transfer of information, create action-oriented strategies or policy making related with the climate change, food security and peace nexus.
This could include for example proposals related to a growing population and potential climate migration, climate and sustainable food production, or access to water, healthy food and renewable energy with the goal to keep peace in the region, or related projects.
Projects that exclusively focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency are excluded in this call.
Applicants are expected to:
- complete the project within the year 2025
- define clear goals and deliverables that allow for monitoring and evaluation
- provide a detailed financial plan
- provide clear information on planned outreach activities and media coverage
- keep the German Embassy informed throughout the entire period about the progress of the project including photo material
Please submit the following documents:
- Application Form PDF / 347 KB
- signed by two responsible employees of the submitting institution or designated persons in charge of the project
- Detailed description of the planned project, including clearly specified goals and objectives, target group(s), deliverables
- If applicable: information on cooperation with other partners
The Embassy will do an initial screening and, if the above criteria are met, submit your proposal to the German Federal Foreign Office’s headquarters, where the selection process will be completed.
Please submit your proposal via e-mail by Friday, 8 November 2024 to: climatefund@pret.diplo.de