Call for applications to paint a South African Buddy Bear Sculpture!
Stand a chance of winning the Buddy Bear competition and receive ZAR 20.000!

Buddy Bears have their origin in Berlin but are at home in the world. You can find them in front of embassies, companies and in private gardens. Buddy bears are renowned symbols of peace and tolerance.
The German Embassy Pretoria in collaboration with the Association of Arts Pretoria invites all artists and creative people from Gauteng, South Africa to paint an iconic Buddy Bear sculpture. The focus should be on the cultural relations between Germany and South Africa.
- Prize money: ZAR 20.000: 50 % deposit, 50 % upon completion of the Buddy Bear sculpture
- The size of the Buddy Bear sculpture is 200 cm x 120 cm x 70 cm
- The Buddy Bear sculpture must be painted with acrylic paint
- The painting of the Buddy Bear sculpture must be done on the premises of the Association of Arts Pretoria
- Timeline: 15 August to 19 September 2024
- Paint and materials will be supplied by the German Embassy Pretoria
- The artist must utilize the prize money for expenses, i.e. travel to and from the gallery, food, etc. Neither the German Embassy Pretoria nor the Association of Arts Pretoria will provide additional funding for the above.
- All submitted entries will be exhibited at the Association of Arts on 26 and 27 July 2024
- The winner will be announced on Friday, 26 July 2024
- The completed Buddy Bear sculpture will be revealed in Pretoria at the Deutschlandfest 2024 in November
- The German Embassy Pretoria will follow the painting process and share it on social media
- All rights of use and exportation arising from the artistically designed and painted Buddy Bear sculpture remains with the German Embassy, free of charge, irrevocable and unrestricted.

If you are up to this challenge, please:
- Complete the enclosed application form
- Colour in the two templates (front/back) of your Buddy Bear design
- Applications must not be over 10 MB or please use a download-link, i.e. WeTransfer, Dropbox, Transfer Now, etc.)
Please send your application form and coloured in templates to buddybearsouthafrica@gmail.com
Entries close on Monday, 15 July at 18:00.
The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence with the organisers/judges will be entered into
Please submit all queries to buddybearsouthafrica@gmail.com
We thank all applicants for their interest!