
Passport Application for Minors

01.01.2024 - Article

See here what is required to apply for a passport for a minor and how the application is launched.

Auf dem Foto sind vier deutsche Reisepässe zu sehen. Einer ist aufgeschlagen.
Deutsche Reisepässe © picture alliance / Arco Images

Who Can Apply for a Child?

  • All legal guardians must submit the application jointly. In almost all cases that would mean that both parents must appear in person at the German Mission.
    If one parent cannot come to the German Mission in person, there must be presented:
    • Parental consent in the original, furnished with a certified signature
      Only certifications by German authorities (e.g. Embassy/Consulate, notaries, town officials) will be accepted; South African certifications will not be accepted.
    • court ruling proving sole guardianship or sole right to determine the place of residence of the child
    • death certificate of the other parent
  • Children must accompany you to the German Mission in order to apply for a passport. This also goes for babies.

How Do We Apply?

  • Read the information carefully.
  • Compile the necessary documents. If you lack any of the listed documents in the original, read here about how to obtain it.
  • Complete the application form
  • Book an online appointment at your German Mission.
  • Bring all documents in the original plus one simple (non-certified) copy. Incomplete applications cannot be submitted.

What are the Required Documents?

  1. Application form
  2. 1 passport photo - ATTENTION: The photo must meet biometric specifications if the child is 6 years or older, see here
  3. Fee
  4. Current passport
    If this is a first time application: proof of identity of the child (not applicable to babies)
  5. Proof of address, e.g. an electricity bill or a rental agreement when applying for a German passport for the first time. If you have moved and your child's current passport shows a different place of residence than your current place of residence, kindly bring a de-registration (Abmeldebescheinigung) letter with you if your last place of residence was in Germany or in another country that has a registration system. In addition proof of your new place of residence in South Africa is required.
  6. Birth certificate (South African: unabridged/full)
    A birth certificate in which the parents are not listed cannot be accepted.
  7. If the child was born out of wedlock:
    a) Proof of marital status of the mother at the time of birth
    b) If applicable, acknowledgment of paternity
  8. Passports of both parents (in case of dual/multiple nationality: all passports)
  9. South African ID or visa (temporary or permanent residence permit) of both parents
  10. Proof of surname: One of the following documents is required to prove the child's surname if it's born before 1.5.2025:
    - German birth certificate of the child or
    - German marriage certificate of the parents stating a joint married name or
    - German name certificate for the child's name or the parents' married name or
    - German name certificate of an older sibling, if the name was declared according to German law
  11. If there is neither of the documents listed under 10, a name declaration is necessary.
  12. Proof of German citizenship:
    Depending on various possible case constellations, you will find the required documents for your child under the corresponding bullet point.
    If your child has a citizenship certificate or a naturalisation certificate, please refer to the last bullet point.

    Your child has not become a South African citizen?


    1. South African ID of the German parent, issued after the birth of the child and not older than 10 years or
    2. valid South African visa of the child or
    3. valid South African visas of both parents or
    4. letter “determination of citizenship status” for the German parent, issued by the Department of Home Affairs after the birth of the child and confirming non-acquisition of South African citizenship
    Your child became a South African citizen by descent?


    1. You South African birth certificate of your child and South African passport/ID of the parent or
    2. letter issued for your child by the Department of Home Affairs confirming South African citizenship by descent/birth

    1. Birth certificate of the German parent
    2. Marriage certificate of the parents (South African: unabridged/full)


    South African ID of the German parent stating “non-citizen”, issued after the birth of your child or

    letter “determination of citizenship status” for the German parent, issued by the Department of Home Affairs after the birth of the child or

    South African death certificate of the German parent, reflecting a “non-citizen” ID number or

    South African naturalisation certificate of the German parent (if applicable with German letter of retention) or

    German naturalisation certificate of the parent, issued before the birth of your child

    Can you present a certificate of citizenship for the German parent, which was issued after the birth of your chid? Then documents under 3. will not be required.

    1. Unabridged/full birth certificate of the German parent

    2. Marriage certificate of the parents (South African: unabridged/full)

    3. Birth certificate of the German grandparent
    4. Marriage certificate of the grandparents (South African: unabridged/full): always required if only the grandfather was German and the German parent was born before 01.07.1993


    South African ID of the grandparent stating “non-citizen”, issued after the birth of the German parent or

    letter “determination of citizenship status” for the grandparent, issued by the Department of Home Affairs after the birth of the German parent or

    South African death certificate of the grandparent indicating a “non-citizen” ID number or

    South African naturalisation certificate of the grandparent (if applicable with German letter of retention) or

    German naturalisation certificate of the grandparent, issued before the birth of the German parent

    Can you present a certificate of citizenship for the grandparent, which was issued after the birth of the German parent? Then documents under 5. will not be required.

    Can you present a certificate of citizenship for the parent, which was issued after the birth of the child? Then documents under 3.-5. will not be required.

    1. Unabridged/full birth certificate of the German parent

    2. Marriage certificate of the parents (South African: unabridged/full)

    3. Birth certificate of the German grandfather
    4. Marriage certificate of the Grandparents (South African: unabridged/full)


    South African ID of the grandfather stating “non-citizen”, issued after the birth of the German parent or

    letter “determination of citizenship status” for the grandfather, issued by the Department of Home Affairs after the birth of the parent or

    South African death certificate of the grandfather indicating a “non-citizen” ID number or

    South African naturalisation certificate of the grandfather or

    German naturalisation certificate of the grandfather, issued before the birth of the parent

    Can you present a certificate of citizenship for the grandfather, which was issued after the birth of the German parent? Then documents under 5. will not be required.

    Can you present a certificate of citizenship for the parent, which was issued after the birth of the child? Then documents under 3.-5. will not be required.

    1. Unabridged/full birth certificate of the German parent

    2. Marriage certificate of the parents (South African: unabridged/full)

    3. Birth certificate of the German grandmother
    4. Marriage certificate of the grandparents (South African: unabridged/full) if they got married after the birth of the German parent


    South African ID of the grandmother stating “non-citizen”, issued after the birth of the German parent or

    letter “determination of citizenship status” for the grandmother, issued by the Department of Home Affairs after the birth of the German parent or

    South African death certificate of the grandmother stating a “non-citizen” ID number or

    South African naturalisation certificate of the grandmother, issued after the birth of the German parent or

    German naturalisation certificate of the grandmother, issued before the birth of the German parent

    Can you present a certificate of citizenship for the grandmother, which was issued after the birth of the parent? Then documents under 5. will not be required.
    Can you present a certificate of citizenship for the parent, which was issued after the birth of the child? Then documents under 3.-5. will not be required.

    1. Unabridged/full birth certificate of the German parent

    2. Marriage certificate of the parents (South African: unabridged/full)

    3. South African unabridged/full birth certificate of the German grandparent
    Was the German parent born in wedlock before 1975, then only the South African unabridged/full birth certificate of the German grandfather.
    Was the German parent born out of wedlock before 1975, then only the South African unabridged/full birth certificate of the German grandmother.

    4. Marriage certificate of the grandparents (South African: unabridged/full)

    5. Birth certificate of the great grandfather
    6. Marriage certificate of the great grandparents (South African: unabridged/full)


    South African ID of the great grandfather stating “non-citizen”, issued after the birth of the grandparent or

    letter “determination of citizenship status” for the great grandfather, issued by the Department of Home Affairs after the birth of the grandparent or

    South African death certificate of the great grandfather indicating “non-citizen” ID number or

    South African naturalisation certificate of the great grandfather, issued after the birth of the grandparent or

    German naturalisation certificate of the great grandfather, issued before the birth of the grandparent

    Can you present a certificate of citizenship for the great grandfather, which was issued after the birth of the grandparent? Then documents under 7. will not be required.
    Can you present a certificate of citizenship for the grandparent, which was issued after the birth of the parent? Then documents under 5. will not be required.
    Can you present a certificate of citizenship for the parent, which was issued after the birth of the child? Then documents under 3.-5. will not be required.

    All birth certificates (South African: unabridged/full) and all marriage certificates (South Africa: unabridged/full) back to the last ancestor born in Germany must be presented. For all ancestors born before 1975, only the fathers are of note.

    In addition, proof must be presented as to the fact that the last ancestor born in Germany did not acquire a foreign citizenship, or that he only did so after the birth of his children.


    If you can present a certificate of citizenship for any of the ancestors, the case will be treated as if that ancestor was born in Germany. Check the matching case above (e.g. If a far removed ancestor was last born in Germany, but you possess a certificate of citizenship for child's grandfather, then check the case “grandfather not born in South Africa (but for example in Germany)”. It will be sufficient to submit the certificate of citizenship and the documents listed there.

    Please present this document in the original.

    If you have any documents that indicate the reason for your child's naturalization, please also present them (e.g. naturalization according to Article 116 II Basic Law).

    Submitting the following documents of ancestors from whom your child derives German citizenship may facilitate and speed up the application:
    - Certificates of citizenship (even after date of validity)
    - earlier German passports and/or ID cards
    - “Vertriebenenausweis gem. §15 Bundesvertriebenengesetz”
    - “Spätaussiedlerbescheinigung gem. §15 Bundesvertriebenengesetz”
    - German naturalisation certificates

Note: Not all possible cases and scenarios can be represented here. Further documentation might be required depending on the individual case.

What Happens After We Submitted the Application?

If all required documents are submitted, we will take the fingerprints of children of 6 years and older. After the appointment, we will process your application and order the printing of the passport.

Please apply for the passport well in time - in particular if a name declaration is required, the passport should be applied for at least several months before the intended trip.

It will take approximately 6-8 weeks for your passport to be produced and delivered to South Africa. Please make sure to apply 3 months before the end of validity of your previous passport. If you require a passport more urgently (proof required, e.g. flight bookings, medical certificates) you may apply for a temporary passport, the issuing of which depends on whether the above listed requirements are met.

Once the passport has arrived at the German Mission, you will be informed by email.

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