
Micro projects funded by the German Missions in South Africa, Lesotho and Eswatini

06.12.2023 - Press release

The micro-project scheme is part of Germany's overall development co-operation that contributes to poverty alleviation and improvement of living standards, to cover the basic needs of the poorest social classes, especially in rural areas.

Sister Martha Modiba at the Unjani Clinic in Midrand
Sister Martha Modiba at the Unjani Clinic in Midrand © GIZ/Keamo Mlangeni

1. Basic guidelines for application:

  • Projects, which cannot be financed by the body responsible itself (e.g. Community Based, Non-Government and Faith Based Organizations registered in South Africa) can be supported.
  • Project examples to be funded: Bore holes, garden projects, shelters for vulnerable children, construction/renovation of school classes (only in Eswatini and Lesotho), income generating articles (sewing machines, tools/machines for a joinery or a locksmith's trade) etc.
  • Project examples not to be funded: Vehicles, private business start-ups, administrative costs, travel expenditure, stipends, any running costs, Air time, Data, banking fees etc.

Projects, which are of advantage to Government agencies, business people or other individuals seeking support in order to establish or improve their services or private businesses do not qualify.

  • A maximum amount of EUR 25.000,00 (The exchange rates into local currency may vary) can be granted per project.
  • The applicant organization has to contribute financially or by labour (self-help).
  • The payment of funds needs to be split in several smaller payments. The full amount can only be paid out at once under special conditions; whether those conditions apply will be determined by the Embassy.

2. The following documents/information should be submitted as a form of application for funding to microprojects@pret.diplo.de: ​​​​​​​

- An official application form, dated and signed by two persons responsible for the project, stating the project title and the amount of funds applied for.

  • Valid Passports or any other form of official identification of the two persons signing the form as the responsible personnel for the project.

- Detailed information of the applying institution with the following:

  • Complete address
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • Documentation of the registration
  • Tax clearance certification
  • The constitution

- The following detailed information of the project must be provided:

  • The exact location/address of where the project will take place provided the project will take place at a different address to the one already provided above about the NPO
  • A detailed statement about the current situation/problems the project wishes to address
  • Information of efforts that have been undertaken so far to realise the project
  • A detail description of the development policy objective
  • Detailed information of measures that are to be taken in order to improve the described problem /situation
  • Own contributions, in money or by manpower
  • Estimated project time frame (project needs to be finished within the same year)
  • Declaration of possible follow-up costs/running costs (to be covered by beneficiary) once the project has been completed successfully, if any

- Further documentation to be handed in:

  • Three independent quotations for each material and services needed to complete the described project
  • Completed excel sheet (provided by the Embassy) concerning total costs according to the most cost-effective quotation
  • Proof of ownership/ Title deed or a rental agreement for more than 5 years of the land to be used to fulfil the project objectives describe in the application form
  • Should you plan a project which involves children, you are required to provide us with a current/valid Form 30 for every person in contact with the children

3. Visitation of Site

Before the application can be approved, the site of the project has to be visited by a representative of the German Diplomatic Mission. Before any funds can be released (paid into the beneficiary’s bank account), a contract has to be signed by the Embassy and the two representatives, who have signed the application form.

4. After completion of the given project

After completion of the project, a “Proof of Employment of Funds” with a written report has to be presented to the German Diplomatic Mission together with a list of the expenses and the valid original invoices. Unused, misused funds and expenses without original invoices have to be refunded to the German Diplomatic Mission. After completion of the project, a representative of the German Diplomatic Mission will visit the project again to assess its success and to ensure proper use of funds.

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